Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Tales of the Unemployed Part 5 (Mmm... Scrubs)

Scrubs is back in my life and being unemployed is sweeeeeeeet once again! So Hollie is still at her work experience of doom ™ and I have been left to tend for the blog on my own. As we all know I don’t like to rant as much as her but I’ll give it a go. That being said I’ll do my best to keep up to her standards.

Speaking of the Hollie she is soooo busy at work that she just sent me a rather amusing link to an article she found on the Times Website. Yes luckily for Hollie and all the other single women in Wales a group of desperate dairy farmers are advertising themselves on cartoons of their organic milk.

The Times claims that ‘their pictures are accompanied by the slogan Fancy A Farmer?, and "Ffansi Ffarmwr?" in Welsh, along with a website address where potential love interests can find out more details.” So all Hollie need to do now is hop on a train to Wales and any farmer is hers.

….. sorry I stopped writing for a mo then I got distracted by Scrubs… god its good.

Oh so trivial stuff aside I actually did something yesterday, I interviewed a chap called Patrick Wolf. You will all be able to view it on that web site I write things for next week. Go me.

It has also been brought to my attention this week that the how shall we say ‘traditional blogs’ use a lot of rhetorical questions and sum things up nicely at the end in case you fell asleep during the middle, like in Sex in the City.

I think we should ask some of our own questions and do some summing up of things which is what I shall do now to signify the end of this yet another thrilling blog entry.

‘Sitting at home today doing nothing but watching scrubs gave me some time to reflect on all the things I could be doing with my life. Like working, or looking for work. However what I realised was that sitting watching scrubs all day is ok it has a lot of lessons to teach me and when daddy turns up with a glass of Cava it gets even better. So another day is over I still have no job but I’ve learnt something and now I’m drunk!’

P.S. From Hollie: I'm going to a book launch tomorrow, yay! (Clearly I've got to the point where 3 hours of extra unpaid work in a day is cause for jubilation. Likewise, I'm very happy that they've offered me 2 extra weeks in the children's books section).

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